Solar Light Distribution

When you live in a shack - often without windows or natural light - where there is no electricity, tasks such as homework, reading or studying become virtually impossible, putting learners at a distinct disadvantage. Our Rotary Club has been fortunate, via sponsorship from Rotary District 6780 Eastern Tennessee USA, to be able to purchase Consol Solar Lights for distribution to school-going children who live at Die Kop just outside of Stanford.

There was much excitement and glee as lights were demonstrated and then given to children at both Die Bron and Okkie Smuts schools, with more going to High School children. There will be future roll-out of this project as funds become available.

StartFragmentOur Project, in conjunction with District 6780 Eastern Tennessee, USA aims to provide every child living without electricity in the Stanford area, with a Solar Light to enable them to "Shine"