Thank you District 6780 Eastern Tennessee U.S.A.
During the 2016-17 Rotary year, District 6780 - Eastern Tennessee U.S.A. - contributed US$ 8,495 for our Solar Light Project which...

Knysna Fire Disaster - Solar Light Donation
On the 7th June 2017, Knysna suffered devastating fires that destroyed many homes and businesses in the town and surrounding area. The...

Winter Warmth 2017
This year's annual Winter Warmth project saw an increase in the need for blankets for the sick and elderly. A number of children were on...

New Rotary Year - New Rotary President
Today - 1st July - sees the start of a new Rotary year. It's also the day our new Club President - Malcolm Bury - takes the reins from...

Penguin Plunge 2017
Saturday 24th June - saw the 7th Annual Stanford Rotary Penguin Plunge take place on the banks of the Klein River. This is a fund-raiser...

Solar Light Distribution
When you live in a shack - often without windows or natural light - where there is no electricity, tasks such as homework, reading or...

Hoopland School Donation
StartFragment Rotary Club of Stanford donated and installed four computers as well as a printer at Hoopland School. The school is well...

Rotary Club of Derwentside UK - Working Together
The Rotary Club of Stanford delivered a Risograph duplicating machine to Masakhane Primary School in Gansbaai. The funds for this were...

Dave Morcombe
It was with great sadness that we heard of Dave's death on Thursday 10th November as we had all met at our regular Wednesday evening...
1st November - Launch of the 2016 Bags of Love Appeal
rcstanford | BAGS of LOVE META DATA DATA StartFragment ...Christmas Cheer for the Needy … Today is the 1st November, 2016 which means...